Somewhere in Hawaii - Kodak Film
Mary Lee Dereske
Rainbow Over Abiquiu
Mary Lee Dereske
Seashell on the Gulf Coast
Mary Lee Dereske
Blue Heron on Roof
Mary Lee Dereske
Colonnade in Black and White
Mary Lee Dereske
Have A Rainbow Day
Mary Lee Dereske
Fishing Bobbers and Bottle Opener
Mary Lee Dereske
Graffiti Wasteland
Mary Lee Dereske
Bisbee Arizona Streets
Mary Lee Dereske
Southern Arizona Sun through Clouds
Mary Lee Dereske
Union Station Omaha Nebraska
Mary Lee Dereske
Strangers and Angels
Mary Lee Dereske
Abandoned Traps and Boat in Bantry Ireland
Mary Lee Dereske
Carter House Bowling Green Ohio
Mary Lee Dereske
Phone Booth with a View
Mary Lee Dereske