Strangers and Angels
Mary Lee Dereske
The Magic Teapot
Mary Lee Dereske
Indian Paintbrush
Mary Lee Dereske
Tree at Owls Head Maine
Mary Lee Dereske
Bushtit - Psaltriparus
Mary Lee Dereske
The Autumn Sunflower
Mary Lee Dereske
Mary Lee Dereske
Graffiti on an Outhouse Wall
Mary Lee Dereske
Fairytale Deer Sculpture
Mary Lee Dereske
From the Shadows of the Night
Mary Lee Dereske
The Trudge Uphill
Mary Lee Dereske
Madrid New Mexico Gate
Mary Lee Dereske
Stick Man
Mary Lee Dereske
The Scream Inspired by Munch
Mary Lee Dereske
Mary Lee Dereske
Quince Cydonia oblonga
Mary Lee Dereske
Mary Lee Dereske
Dreams of a Golden Sycamore
Mary Lee Dereske
I Remember His Boots
Mary Lee Dereske
Zaanse Schans
Mary Lee Dereske
Conchas Dam New Mexico
Mary Lee Dereske
Trees on a Hill Under an Imaginary Sky
Mary Lee Dereske
Postcard from Kauai Hawaii
Mary Lee Dereske
Midwest Summer Eve
Mary Lee Dereske
Looking at the Bosque through Rose Colored Eyes
Mary Lee Dereske
Bird and Nest at River of Lights Albuquerque Botanic Garden
Mary Lee Dereske
Milkweed Fluff
Mary Lee Dereske
The Virgin Mary in the Garden of the Monastery
Mary Lee Dereske
Mary Untier of Knots
Mary Lee Dereske
The Royal on the Hill of Witches Lithuania
Mary Lee Dereske
Lighthouse Santa Cruz California
Mary Lee Dereske
Remains of San Isidro Church in San Luis Valley CO
Mary Lee Dereske
El Santuario de Chimayo New Mexico - Vintage
Mary Lee Dereske
Hercules and the Bird with Extended Claws
Mary Lee Dereske
A Winged Cherub in Amsterdam
Mary Lee Dereske
Lensic Tower Fairy Tale
Mary Lee Dereske
Immaculate Conception Church Ajo Arizona
Mary Lee Dereske
Mayan Temple at Tulum Mexico
Mary Lee Dereske
Ardea Herodias
Mary Lee Dereske
Geese on the Cedar River Iowa
Mary Lee Dereske
Canadian Goose Above Salmon Arm
Mary Lee Dereske
Cherry Blossoms in Black and White
Mary Lee Dereske
Timeless Avocado
Mary Lee Dereske
Rose Textures
Mary Lee Dereske
Flowering Rush
Mary Lee Dereske
Invitation to Explore
Mary Lee Dereske
Carribean Dock in Morning
Mary Lee Dereske
Grass Seed Heads at First Light
Mary Lee Dereske
Cholla at Sunset
Mary Lee Dereske
Golden Fog
Mary Lee Dereske
A Dreamscape Barn
Mary Lee Dereske
Beach Cat
Mary Lee Dereske
Aermotor Windmill
Mary Lee Dereske
Storybook Spring
Mary Lee Dereske
Me -n- You
Mary Lee Dereske
Faded Beauty
Mary Lee Dereske
A Dark and Stormy Night Awaits
Mary Lee Dereske
I Found the Tower of Rapunzel
Mary Lee Dereske
Closed for Business in Cottonwood South Dakota
Mary Lee Dereske
Dreams of a Lilac Breasted Roller
Mary Lee Dereske
Shrike of the Serengeti
Mary Lee Dereske
The River
Mary Lee Dereske
Red Vase with Wild Rosehips and Berries
Mary Lee Dereske
The Dream of a Butterfly
Mary Lee Dereske
Winter Frost
Mary Lee Dereske
It was a Curious Sight
Mary Lee Dereske
The Thoughtful Guardian
Mary Lee Dereske